Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Seamless Lunch

Last Monday, I had a dentist appointment. I loathe the dentist to the point that I have to consciously restrain myself from not biting the hygienist's fingers off by very politely gripping my hands on my lap and mantra-ing "I will not bite the hygienist. I will not bite the hygienist. I will not bite the hygienist even a little bit..."

Well, I ended up not biting the hygienist and with my "goodie" bag of flosses, toothbrushes and a gum stimulator (Kid you not! There is actually a product called a "gum stimulator" on the market.) in hand, I trudged to work.

As I was walking down Lex, I thought about a pick-me-up lunch that would sooth my battered mouth. The problem always is that in the Midtown Manhattan area, lunch averages around $8-10. That, of course, is way too much for the Cheap Chic.

And that's when I had an idea! After seeing adverts all over the City for the website, I went back to my office and logged on to is a website where one can order sustenance for delivery or pick-up from a variety of restaurants & delis in 14 metro areas across the US and the UK ONLINE! That's right, folks. I didn't have to leave my desk to order lunch. Also I chose what time I wanted to pick up my lunch, showed up to the restaurant & there was my lunch, waiting just for me. Quick signature (I paid for my lunch online with my Bank card & since I picked it up there was no delivery tip) and I was eating lunch within 5 minutes.

"Seamless, eh?"

BEST OF ALL, after some Cheap Chic internet searching, I found a COUPON CODE that offered me $5 OFF my order on Seamlessweb. Therefore, my original $8.13 lunch (hot, fully cooked & non poisonous lunch, a vast departure from my usual lunch) ended up being only $3.13, which is even cheaper than the food cart!!!!!

"What a deal!!"

Now I want to share this deal with you, gentle reader:

Just sign up for, make an order and in the
Promo Code box at the Checkout type in:

Other cheap peeps claim that this COUPON CODE:
will get you 30% off of your order
all the time, anytime (unless the restaurant already offers a discount). I'm going to try it soon and I'll let ya'll know how it works!

So, if one day you forget your brown bag, don't fret. Just head to Seamlessweb for a Cheap Chic type of lunch deal. And, of course, share your comments on the blog!

NOTE: Pick-up is only available in Murray Hill, Midtown Manhattan, and the Financial District. Therefore, most ordering on Seamless is for delivery, so make sure you factor in the cost of the delivery tip.

1 comment:

  1. i went to the dentist last week and i just realized now that i didn't get a goodie bag. no toothbrush or floss for me :(
