Friday, January 16, 2009

Let's Take Manhattan, Free Museum Style....

I am like most New Yorkers in the fact that this City fascinates the heckaroonie out of me. I am constantly searching to learn more about this City and its people. There is, of course, the old fashioned way to learn about the City, this being by living here, breathing the air and interacting with the myraid of personalities (and they are quite diverse and encompass the good, the bad and the (unfortunately) ugly).

However, sometimes I just want to learn, but with less interaction with...well...the sights, the smells and the sounds (basically, the City proper). Ironically, it just so happens that the other day when I was on the Subway, I saw an advert for the Museum of the City of New York. Eureka!

That's right. Who knew we had our own Museum (well, at least I didn't). Best part is there is FREE ADMISSION EVERY SUNDAY from 10AM-12PM.

And, right now they have Exhibitions on Paris/New York: Design/Fashion/Culture/1925-1940 and Growing and Greening New York that I hear will knock your socks off!

So grab a date, friend, lover or an imaginary other and be a part of it- New York, New York!

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