Saturday, January 17, 2009

New Year, New Hair (on the cheap) PART 2

So last night was the night that I decided to whip up some D.I.Y. action to become a celebrity (well, at least have celeb hair).

First I decided to get some celebrity inspiration for what I wanted- Enter the Internet and the hairstyle websites (,

Second, there were some conditions. No to Brook Hogan, Charlize Theron, or Paris Hilton. My hair has only been blonde once and I got sick of the drag queen comments. Also, since it is Winter, I should go darker in hair color and keep my hair longer.

After searching around the sites for a while, I remembered someone once said I looked like a mixture of Maggie Gyllenhaal and Alyson Hannigan (must be the quirkiness. Well, that or the pronounced chin). Therefore, I decide on an Alyson Hannigan style, which was Dark Brown with side swept bangs.

So now that I decided on my style, it was time for action. Enter the drug store. Oh, so convenient (down the block, real time saver) and oh so cheap for hair color (in a box at $7.58 with tax vs. at the salon, low end starting at $50 plus tax and tip). I decided on L'OREAL Paris ColorSpa Moisture Actif No. 12- Dark Brown. I've used this brand before and love it, because it is about 3 bucks less than most hair color and it is Non-Permanent color (for all us commitment-phobics out there. Plus if the color is abhorrent, in 28 hair washes its gone, whether over the course of a month or one very scour filled night.).

Then I gathered my supplies:

- hair color
- bottle of $6.99 Finca Flichman 2007 Malbec (the wine is the best part of hair coloring at home and it's still under $20 for a color and a few drinks! You can't beat it!).
- wine glass
- corkscrew
- iPod
- old towel

After reading all the instructions and drinking a glass of wine, I began....

Stay tuned for PART 3!

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